Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blog #7 - Scene Deconstruction

The primary theme in the Dark Knight revolves around good versus evil, and can be summarized by the quote, “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain” spoken by the good guy Harvey Dent. This scene is important because it shows how the Joker took the good guy’s words and used them against him. In this scene, we see how easy it is to fall prey to evil, and how easy it is for good moral values to be twisted to the bad guy’s wishes.

The most obvious component of this scene is the rhythm. It starts off very slow with what seems like seconds between pieces of dialogue. As the scene progresses, the pace quickens in terms of the dialogue. Sentences become faster and tension begins building towards a climax in the scene, which comes when Harvey points the gun at the Joker and leaves his life to chance, thereby completing the Joker’s goal of turning the good guy into an agent of evil. The scene also utilizes movement to compliment the rhythm. Harvey Dent, being severely injured in a fire (that the Joker is responsible for), is confined to his hospital bed, so he is immobile for the entire scene. This is important because while he is literally stuck on the hospital bed, but symbolically evil has trapped him because he is unable to escape while the Joker is implementing his plan (even though the Joker says he has no plan). While Harvey is being forced to lie on the bed and listen to the Joker, the Joker is able to move around, and does so as the scene progresses. It starts with the Joker several feet away from Harvey and as the scene progresses, he makes his way around the bed and gets up close to Harvey’s face. The closer he gets to Harvey’s face, the closer he is to achieving his goal. In addition, the Joker also begins talking to the disfigured side of Harvey’s face, which further symbolizes his motive to turn Harvey into an agent of evil. 

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