Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog #6 - Animation Deconstruction

These images are both from Pixar's Toy Story 3. In the first image, the bear is showing the Toys around their new home in the day care center. While they (the day care's occupants) appear to be friendly, the lighting in this scene foreshadows and symbolizes their true intentions. The hue is almost that of a sickly green, which gives the impression that they can't be trusted and have not so hospitable intentions. In fact, if you look closely, a creepy reptilian like toy is standing next to the bear. Not only does he look creepy, but his colors (shades of green) resemble that of the lighting. In addition, the characters that can't be trusted also appear to cast longer, darker shadows than the characters we know to be good guys. The bear's colors of purple are also intended to throw the audience off guard, because we generally associate purple to be a color of purity. However, if you look closely, the purple is tarnished with patches of dirt. The lighting the bear is in also casts an eerie shadow across his body, further exemplifying the diminishing situation in the movie. 

In the second picture, our characters are in a dire situation. However the overall impression of hope and bravery is conveyed through the contrasting of the background with the foreground. This scene takes place at night, so the sky is very dark and the day care center in the background looks menacing. In addition the characters are standing in front of a fence which stretches across the entire frame, which gives us the sense  that they are trapped. However, the characters are cast in bright light, which gives us a massive contrast with the background. The background is dark, while the foreground (and the characters) are well lit. In addition to their positions and facial expressions, this image tells us that the characters will be successful in their endeavors even though the situation is dire, that they will be able to "climb any mountain (fence, in this case)"and overcome any obstacle. 

These two images contrast because the first image gives us a sense of danger and foreboding, while the second image projects hope and bravery since our characters appear to be surviving in dangerous circumstances. 

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