Sunday, September 25, 2011

Deconstructing Characters Blog #1



This character follows an analogous color scheme, which primarily uses green hues. These colors represent the character’s society as being close to nature. They are not necessarily primitive, but instead contrast with the industrialist world that Earth has become. The color green stands for a state of balance and having the ability to pursue new ideas. This character exhibits all of these traits. The character also uses a shade of blue, which represents trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, and truth. With these colors we gain a sense that this society has moved past typical human faults and learned to live at a higher level of understanding.

The lighting that illuminates this character is meant to bring focus to the character’s position in his society. The character is symbolically standing on top of a planet. The sun illuminates the character from behind, and his shadow is then cast upon the planet. This signifies the character as a leading member of his society, perhaps even its leader. The position of the sun also puts Earth in a weird light. This makes the planet appear as if it is in despair, which again sets up a contrast between our world and the character’s world. One world is thriving, while the other is dying.


When deciding how to draw the character, it was important to emphasize that he is a strong moral and political figure. The triangle was the perfect shape to base the character off of. According to a reading for class, “Triangles are leaders. They’re ambitious, motivated go-getters, decisive and focused. They’re strong, political, and make egotistical leaders.” The character is drawn with very straight lines. There is little to no curve (besides my inability to draw), and the manner in which he is holding his hand tells us that outsiders, particularly those from Earth, are not welcome. This culture is reserved, and does not appreciate alien contact.
The character described is General Atiri.


While the character follows an analogous color scheme, it contrasts with the background in which he is placed, which follows a monochrome color scheme. This is meant to distinguish between the distinct differences between the character and his environment. The character has colors of orange and tan while the background contains shades of black and gray. This portrays the character as being out of place in his society, but the lighter colors portray him as having good intentions, despite the differences between him and his society. We can also determine that the society he lives in is evil.


This picture shows many light bulbs in an environment similar to the picture above; dark and mostly filled with shades of black and grey, which tells us that the society is less than an ideal one to live in. One light bulb among all the rest is illuminated, lighting a particular area of the picture while the rest is dark. This can signify the character’s desires. In the environment in which he is standing, an object illuminates part of the sky while he looks up at it. This shows his motivation to leave the oppressed world that he has been part of for so long.

The overall shape and drawing style used for this character contrasts with that of the antagonist. The antagonist was drawn with straight lines, which formed the overall shape of a triangle, which signified the character’s position as a leader in his society. For the antagonist, he contains little or no straight lines, but instead has an overall curved shaped, which makes the character appear more open for change. It also indicates that he is a peacemaker and will do what he can to keep the peace. This will come in handy for when the protagonist and antagonist finally meet.

The character described is Jake Fury

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